
GraceQ is designed as a software stack to support the large-scale numerical simulation of quantum systems using high-performance computing hardware. The ultimate ambition of the GraceQ is to speed up the whole idea-to-result pipeline. One distinguished highlight of the GraceQ is to enable the user to take maximal advantage of the power of modern computing systems.

GraceQ is still at its very early age. At the current stage, it includes the basic solution of tensor-based methods in quantum matter physics. You can also check our repositories on GitHub: Any type of contribution is really welcome!


Up to now, GraceQ includes the following projects:


A high-performance tensor computation framework for the quantum physics community.


A high-performance matrix product state algorithms library based on GraceQ/tensor.


Current developers and maintainers

  • Rong-Yang Sun <sun-rongyang[at]>